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"Our Heroine Takes A Young Trainee Under Her Wing" - Office sex at its heights, horniest story, check it out!
Claire The Cougar
Claire was walking towards her office from the station when she was quite literally stopped in her tracks by the sight of the most gorgeous young man. She was so taken aback by him; that she found herself staring at him for a minute.
He had to be in his early twenties, and of medium build. It was the grace with which he held himself that really got her attention. Here was a young man comfortable and confident in his skin.
He was walking in the direction of her office building and Claire was surprised to see him enter it. While she touched her pass onto the barrier the young man approached the reception desk and Claire could see that the receptionist was equally taken with him. She had had a far worse start to the week.
A couple of hours into the morning, she took a call from Sir Nigel’s secretary asking if she could pop along to his office. As she approached the office Claire was surprised and delighted to see the young man from earlier in Sir Nigel’s office.
“Ah, good morning, Claire ,” boomed Sir Nigel, “I would like to introduce you to young Robert . He is the son of my housekeepers in the Bahamas, I’ve known him for years. He wants a career in finance and I thought a few weeks over here might do him the world of good before he heads off to an American university, to do his Masters."
Claire leaned forward to shake Robert hand “I’m delighted to meet you,” she said, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.
Robert handshake was firm and confident and he flashed her a smile that set her pulse racing.
“I was wondering if he could spend a couple of days with your team getting to know what we do and learning the ropes.” Sir Nigel wasn’t really asking her. Claire knew what she had to do.
Claire took Robert back to her section of the office. Her PA, Emily, got Robert a work terminal and began helping him to set up an account on the desktop PC.
When Claire eventually managed to prise Robert away from Emily, she gave him a brief overview of what the firm did and a far more detailed explanation of what her team did. Robert was good at listening, attentive and asked intelligent questions.
The day progressed well and Robert settled in with her team. News of his arrival had spread throughout the firm. Claire noticed that the number of people, particularly women, visiting her section rocketed.
At the end of the working day. Robert asked for some advice on getting some more appropriate work clothes than the chinos he was currently wearing. They were fine for Nassau but he felt distinctly under-dressed in this professional environment.
Claire checked with Sir Nigel’s office and was given the go-ahead to use her corporate card to kit Robert out. She suggested that they head to the large Marks & Spencer store on the way to the station.
Claire pointed out that they made good quality suits at affordable prices. On entering the store, she suggested that they get Robert a navy blue suit and a grey one. They quickly selected a couple of Italian-styled suits made of British wool. They both fitted Robert like a glove and hung from his slender body perfectly.
The trousers were not so easy. The cut was really nice and they hugged Robert slender waist. What she noticed was that Robert was packing. There was no hiding it. That said, they were off the peg so they had little option. Claire added six business casual shirts to the bundle and paid with the company card. She explained to Robert that no one wore ties these days and that the store no longer stocked them.
While she was waiting for the receipts, Claire realised that she was about to miss her train.
She entered the changing cubicles to tell Robert that everything was paid for and that she would see him in the office in the morning.
Robert was standing in just his boxer shorts, his taut stomach was a washboard of muscle and his biceps were pronounced, he was absolutely beautiful, like a statue. His boxer shorts were full, what on earth was he keeping in there, Claire wondered.
Robert made no attempt to cover himself. He gave Claire plenty of time to enjoy the view and flashed her that smile again. She nearly melted and said that she would see him in the morning.
Later that evening, at home after supper, Claire was trying to watch a film on Netflix but found herself unable to concentrate. She couldn’t shake the picture of Robert from her mind.
There was only one thing for it, she went upstairs and ran a bath. Once in it, she began to masturbate while enjoying lewd thoughts about Robert . She quickly enjoyed a powerful orgasm.
After her bath, Louse sipped into bed beside her sleeping husband and tried to relax. The demons in her head were having none of it. She couldn’t get the image of Robert out of her head. Claire reached into the bedside cabinet and retrieved her Rabbit vibrator. She then went downstairs to the sofa and brought herself off a couple of times using the powerful toy. She hardly ever used it on work nights. Those demons were working overtime tonight.
For the next couple of days, Robert was at the heart of everything the team did. He was exceptionally popular but also quick to learn. Claire could see why Sir Nigel had faith in him.
Claire's thoughts were not confined to his potential professionalism. On more than one occasion she had felt Robert's dark lustful eyes on her, it was not an unpleasant feeling to be so obviously desired. She also noticed a remarkable uptake in the number of women who had started coming into the office, rather than working from home. After a day in the office, she always found herself aroused. She had masturbated every evening this week while thinking about Robert .
On Thursday morning, Claire arrived in the office to find Emily, her PA already at her desk and in an incredibly good mood. Claire noticed that she was wearing the same clothes as she had the previous day.
Before the day got started, Claire asked Emily if she would like a coffee. This was a discreet code they had for when they needed to talk in private. They headed across the street to an Italian deli that served superb coffee.
“You seem very chipper this morning,” Claire observed.
Emily went bright red, “Is it that obvious?” she replied.
Claire merely raised an eyebrow
“God, I spent the night with Robert at his apartment. I doubt I got more than a couple of hours of sleep. That man can go and go and then before you know it he’s ready again.”
Claire was initially shocked, after all, Emily was engaged to be married and had a lovely fiancé. At the same time, she wanted to know every detail about Robert's sexual prowess. By the time Emily had told her everything, Claire was moist.
As the day progressed Claire felt her feelings change from arousal to jealousy. She began snapping at Emily and calling out even trivial mistakes. Emily became increasingly upset and at the end of the day left without speaking to Claire .
On the train home, Claire considered what she had done and was appalled at her behaviour towards her young PA. Her bloody demons were at it again. As soon as she got home she ordered flowers and bought a gift certificate for a lingerie retailer she used. She knew she had to make it up to Emily. She tried punishing herself by saying she wouldn’t masturbate, but her demons were having none of that. Tonight she needed her Rabbit again.
The next morning, Claire got an earlier train and made sure she was in the office before Emily. The flowers had been delivered and she had picked up two coffees from the deli. As soon as Emily arrived, Claire apologised unreservedly for her behaviour on the previous day.
“Buy yourself something silky from this store, it really is lovely stuff. I also want you to take your fiancé out to dinner, you can expense it. After that, go home and bang his brains out. I’m serious, Emily, Robert will only be with us for a couple of months. After that, he will go home to the Bahamas and then to America. Don’t blow everything right now.” The look on Emily’s face told Claire that her sage words had sunk in.
More than once that morning Claire found herself gazing at Robert as he worked at his terminal. The image of him shagging Emily would not leave her mind. It must have been very hot, they were both attractive people.
Claire 's highly erotic daydreams were interrupted by Sir Nigel arriving in the office. “Claire do you have a moment, we may have a problem.” Claire followed him into his office.
“It would seem as though my daughter has been neglecting our oldest client,” he informed her. I met Jim McKenzie in London last night and he told me he felt as though we weren’t interested in him anymore. He even said that he had met people from Gresley’s to see if he could get a better deal.” Sir Nigel spat out the name Gresley, they were his oldest rival.
“I can’t just send him a case of his favourite whisky this time. I think his nose is really out of joint. We are going to have to work harder this time. Could I ask you to head up to Edinburgh for a few days and press the flesh?” Once again Claire knew that Sir Nigel wasn’t really asking her.
“Why don’t you take young Robert with you, I’m sure he will make a good impression. Show them the modern face of the company.”
Claire returned to her desk and began calling the clients in Scotland to try and arrange meetings and lunches. She made sure not to ask Emily to book her travel. She didn’t want her to find out that she was heading to Scotland with Robert .
The next day they both flew to Edinburgh from the local airport because the trains were so expensive and unreliable. They checked into the Scotsman Hotel which they got at a discounted rate.
The meetings went well and Robert really impressed both Claire and the clients. For someone so young he was able to bring an international perspective to the discussions. He was a good listener and had clearly researched his topics in detail. The soft Bahamian accent was also a winner. This young man was inspiring.
After a series of meetings, Claire took some of the clients out to dinner and they enjoyed a much more relaxed evening. Once again, Robert was charming and a real asset.
They both arrived at the hotel and decided after a long day to opt for an early night. They agreed to meet for breakfast at eight-thirty in the morning.
Claire took a long shower to help her relax. As she emerged from the bathroom, she went to look in her overnight case. She was surprised to see she had packed a short, silky slip. Why on earth had she packed that, it was something she wore when she really wanted her husband to fuck her. Those demons again, she thought.
As she hadn’t brought anything else to wear, Claire put on the short slip. She then got into bed and pulled the duvet over her.
Before too long, her demons were back. She spread her legs, raised her knees and her fingers found her clit. It felt good and she thought about Robert as she pleasured herself. She was just about to reach for her Rabbit, which she had packed, when the demons started working again. “Why go with plastic when there was a real cock two or three doors down the corridor.”
The demons had won again, Claire let herself out of the room and walked purposefully down the corridor. The slip barely contained her tits and she was naked underneath it.
Claire briefly listened at Robert's door for any telltale signs of the bedsprings but was confident enough that he was alone. She knocked on his door.
Robert opened the door wearing just his boxer shorts. He wasn’t expecting Claire , who stood before him in a silk slip that hid nothing. Her eyes were ablaze with lust. He held open the door and Claire entered his room.
As soon as she was through the door, they were kissing and Robert hands were all over her. At the same time, Claire ran her hands over the sinews of Robert's taut body. After caressing her breasts and freeing them from the slip, Robert hand reached between her legs. He was surprised and delighted to find that his naughty boss was waxed smooth. He ran a finger along her slit and quickly coated it with her juices. Robert withdrew his finger and raised it to Claire's lips. She devoured it.
Claire fell to her knees and pulled Robert's boxer shorts down as she went. The most magnificent cock she had ever seen sprang free. Claire tried to take it into her mouth but found she couldn’t fit it all in. She had to take her time working along his length. Robert's cock head was the crowning glory, Claire took as much of it into her mouth as she could.
Claire was no stranger to sucking cocks and considered it one of her core skills. Robert was in a league of his own.
Claire felt Robert withdraw his cock from her mouth, and then pick her up and carry her to the bed. He laid her down on her back and gazed in awe at her smooth pussy. Claire spread her legs to give him the best possible view.
Next, Robert knelt between her legs and began rubbing his erect cock up and down her slit. Claire knew he was just going to fuck her, there was going to be no foreplay. Robert found her opening and just pushed home. There was no doubt in her mind, this was the biggest, hardest cock she had ever had. She felt every inch of him enter her and stretch her.
What Robert lacked in technique, he made up for in energy and staying power. His thrusts were deep and there was no danger of him slowing down. Claire's first orgasm hit her like a wave crashing onto the beach. Robert was able to keep going. When eventually he did climax, it felt to Claire as if she was being filled up. They collapsed onto the pillow and lay side by side, panting and waiting for their heartbeats to slow down.
Amazingly, within fifteen minutes, Robert was hard again and also ready for another round. Claire took the opportunity to teach him a little about technique. She asked him to lick her pussy and showed him some good tricks that would be of use to him in the future. As with everything he did, Robert proved to be a fast learner.
The next thing Claire showed him was a variety of positions they could fuck in. She straddled him, Got on all fours so he could take her doggy style and finally, they enjoyed a side fuck. They were gentler and slower this time, and Claire assured Robert that this was all right.
Later that night, Claire got Robert to push his cock between her tits while she wanked him off. This proved to be the messiest activity of the whole night. Robert ejaculated all over Claire's tits, shoulders, chin and even up the side of her face. She didn’t care, she loved it.
After that, the lovers collapsed into a deep sleep side by side in the luxury hotel just as dawn was breaking over the Edinburgh skyline.
"“Rule #1: When you can’t be the third wheel, have a threesome instead.”